Tools for Student Centred Learning

Research can be very time consuming (and distracting) but it can a wonderful thing when you come across great resources.  In my travels through the net I have found many great websites that cater to ICTs.  One I came across was

Tools for Student Centred Learning.  Free tools and resources from Intel Education.  It includes information on assessing strategies, designing and planning and caters for K-12.  It’s a great resource and it even has opportunities for Professional Development.  There’s even a section Technology Literacy which helps to  “Describe, Explain and Persuade” with technology. Take a look at some great ideas.

2 thoughts on “Tools for Student Centred Learning

  1. Pingback: Intel Education | The Weblog of Kristen Tivinan

  2. I wish I had been given the opportunity to learn with Technology. It was unheard of when I went to school. Traditional schooling tended to teach students what to think not how to think. Now students from all walks of life can explore and learn from all possible sources of information.
    I am sure that such opportunities will greatly increase knowledge and diversity of thought, leading to an explosion of new ideas and inventions. There is no doubt that children do better in life if they can follow the path that is of specific interest to them. The only subjects that need to be taught are numeracy and literacy so they can learn to research any subject they might choose.

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